Do you know that they don’t need your ATM pin before getting access to your money in your account?

This day we have been hearing of
internet scam and how a lot of people are losing thousands and millions to the scammers
through their ATM card. Have you ever received an alert from your bank telling
you that some amount of money have been deducted from your bank account without
you making the transaction? I know many people will answer yes, but today I
will show you how the scammers are withdrawing your money without knowing your
ATM pin.

1.       Your
ATM is not well kept.

2.       You
always or sometime ask somebody to help you withdraw from the machine because
you are facing some problem from the machine.

3.       You
have once mistakenly upload the picture of your ATM card to social networking

4.       You
once play with stranger of even a neighbour with the details written on your ATM

5.       And
many more ways which you know.

Have you been wondering that in
the above list I did not mention anything about your pin? Now I will show you
some ways how your money can been deducted without knowing your password or pin.

This is the time of online
business when everybody is buying from the internet. There are many ways of
paying when you buy good from the internet, buyers can pay through the
following means.


  2. Credit
    card (Your ATM)

  3. InterSwitch
    (Nigeria Only)

  4. VougePay

  5.    BitCoin

On the list above you can see
where your ATM is needed, that is where the scammers will use your ATM to buy
goods from the internet and your account will be debited instantly.

The following are the important
things the scammers needed which can be get through the means I mention above.

1.       The
complete name on the ATM card

2.       The
ATM card number

3.       The
CCV2 Number

( The number at the back  of
your ATM card)
The card expiring date

Why you need to keep your ATM card than your pin
the essential code are shown above 
From that list you ATM pin is not
listed and the payments will be successful without stress.

Dear reader this is to tell you
that you need to keep your ATM card even more secure than your ATM pin.

I will love to hear your view on


About the Author


Owopetu Abiola is a seasoned blogger, internet marketer, social network expert, movie actor, a writer, a special educator and the lovers of the learners with special needs. He graduated from the University of Ibadan studying Special Education. He is currently a program director at Impactful Generational Leverage Organization (IGLO) an NGO.

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