PDF files at times come in different languages, especially when the language is not our mother tongue or language we understand. Translating the language to our own language may be difficult. Translate PDF to English or any other language you desire with the simple steps below.
How to Translate PDF documents 2 Simple Ways
Translate PDF with Google Translate
To translate pdf using google translate, you need to use google chrome for a better result, but other browsers can also work perfectly.
- Go to Google Translate on your browser

- Click on the Documents tab
- Upload your document
- Then click translate
While uploading, the speed depends on your internet speed to upload the PDF document for translating.
Also, note that the maximum file size for the upload is 10mb if your file is more than 10mb, then continue reading as I will still guide you on steps to split pdf files.
How to Translate PDF documents to English or any language with Doc Translator
Using doc translator is almost the same way with google translator.
- Go to online doc translator by clicking here

- Drag your file into the space available, or click on upload file to upload your documents
- The file will automatically be translated
- Download the file after the translation
File size exceed 10 megabytes, how to split pdf documents
To split pdf document can be in two different ways.
The first one is to open the file with your pdf document viewer, which can be adobe acrobat or any other software you are using on your system to open the document.
Click Ctrl + P or find the Print document from your file menu
Select print to PDF on your open dialogue in most cases it will be Adobe PDF as shown in the image below

Select the numbers of pages you want to print, otherwise known as the number of the page you want to extract or split from your PDF document

Then print, it will ask you where to save the split PDF document, select your desired folder and save that it all.
Using this type of Splitting can help you reduce the amount of data been used for the translation process. Since you can easily do the splitting offline using the above method. If you think this is not simple for you to understand, then you can continue reading below to find the easier way of splitting PDF document.
Do the same step above for other pages too, this will let you split PDF document into smaller sizes for translation.
How to split PDF document using Split a PDF
This can be regarded as the simplest way of splitting PDF documents. You only need to upload your PDF document into the platform and then select the splitting type you want to use.
To get started, click on split a PDF by clicking here
Upload your document into the platform by clicking the upload button
Select the splitting type you want to use as shown in the image below

Since you are concerned about the size of your document, then you can choose split by size as this will help you to select the size for each PDF document you are going to download for translation.
Download the files in a zip format after splitting and then upload them back for translation in any of the above options in translating PDF document.

If there is another simple way you know on how to split PDF or to translate PDF to another language then use the comment section below to explain to us, we will love to learn from you too.