Alexa ranking is a ranking tool by one of the world largest e-commerce website, it gives the rank of the website from the highest…
Making call is great mostly when you make those calls free in an way. Today am going to show you how to make free calls to all networks around the world. To start with you believe that many people are using smart phones this day,…
Many of you will have been wondering of how to make screen shot on your android devices but you don’t know how it’s going to be done. What’s the importance of screen shot to a user? Screen shot is taking the picture of your device…
You can now enjoy endless possibilities with the Lenovo A5000 sold exclusively on The A5000 which recently launched on is everything users on the go could ask for and more because it has a long-lasting battery and quick charging features. It has a…
Today I will teach you how to remove shortcut virus from your external drive or flash drive, as we all know that whenever we are caught with the virus it frustrated us to even format our drive when it turn all our files to shortcut…
Today we are going to discuss on how to put a custom blogger sitemap page, you might have been wondering how I set up my sitemap page to show the new post and also to number them in order. To start with the page set-up…
Since some years back now the Nigeria networks has been trying to give students and others the opportunity to make night calls to their colleagues and friends. But today we are going to talk on how to use the students’ best network MTN to call…
Good day, today I will show you some easy and legal way on how to make money while still on campus.Many undergraduates were been frustrated by the way and manner at which their lecturers sell hand out to them with a very high amount of…
Jenny Chisom is a young lady blogger who blogs at Jenny Chisom In the interview below, my response to the questions are represented by YOU 2015/9/6 23:17 – Jenny Chisom: Tell me about your adventure with blogging 2015/9/6 23:37 – You: Blogging is a…